SAN FRANCISCO, October 10, 2017 (Newswire.com) - The Maker Culture is definitely here to stay. Did you know that roughly half of all learners absorb information using their eyes and ears, with another third using a mix of learning styles? This means that the rest are learning by touching, the foundation of the Maker Culture. Because those who learn best by touching currently make up the smallest percentage of learners, a true focus on the Makers ‘DIY attitude’ only began a little more than 10 years ago. Since then, Makers have been creating, building, designing, and inventing the solutions that can help make the world a better place for all.
MakePi believes the children are the future and that’s why they fully support the Maker Culture.
The Maker Movement
The Maker Culture has been growing so quickly these past few years, it’s created what’s now being called the Maker Movement. This Movement has been grabbing the attention of the up and coming younger generations, specifically those who show a passion for hands-on learning. Because the current emphasis on hands-on engagement is one that kids are eagerly responding to, the Maker Movement is now growing in its popularity each and every day. This new, upcoming generation of leaders are more than eager to take on these new learning challenges, giving them the ability to find the best solutions to real-world issues.
The Maker Movement allows anyone with a passion for hands-on learning to learn the coding that can make for a bright future.
New Technology Creation
Today’s world is now one that fully supports the affordable, constructive technology that so many Makers are focusing on these days. "It's bringing kids into the world of STEM," says Tim Bajarin, president of Creative Strategies, a technology industry analysis firm based in Silicon Valley. "The way our world is developing is that more and more of the jobs are going to have a significant type of a tech theme in one form or another, a lot of specialized thinking that goes beyond what we would call the standard, general education system."
Young people have never been more excited at the possibility of inventing and creating the new technologies and tools that have the ability to impact our society in such a positive way. We’re beginning to see that when young Makers set their minds on reaching a certain goal, they don’t stop until that goal is met.
The MakePad supports the ability for young people to follow their dreams!
MakePi believes in and support STEM’s teaching and learning processes, i.e. computer programming, game development, applications, more. Their mission is to change the way kids are educated by supporting the Maker Culture that’s so far been showing so much promise for today’s youth. It’s simple. MakePi, cares about providing young people with the creativity, confidence, and critical thinking they need for future successes.
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Source: MakePi